1. Acetic acid is a bulk chemical product and one of the most important organic acids. Mainly used for the production of acetic anhydride, acetate and cellulose acetate. Polyvinyl acetate can be made into films and adhesives, and is also the raw material for synthetic fiber vinylon. Sellulósa asetat er notað til að gera Rayon og Motion Picture Film.
2. Acetate ester formed from lower alcohol is an excellent solvent and is widely used in the paint industry. Vegna þess að ediksýra leysir upp flest lífræn efni er ediksýra einnig oft notað lífrænt leysi (til dæmis notað við oxun paraxýlen til að framleiða terefthalsýru).
4. Notað til að framleiða asetat, svo sem sölt af mangan, natríum, blýi, áli, sinki, kóbalt og öðrum málmum, sem eru mikið notaðir sem hvati og aukefni í litun á dúk og leðurbólgu; lead acetate is lead white in paint color; Blýþegaþræðilegt er lífrænt myndunarhvarfefni (til dæmis er hægt að nota blýþegaetat sem sterkt oxunarefni, veita uppsprettu asetoxýhópa og útbúa lífræn blý efnasambönd osfrv.).
In the food industry, acetic acid is used as an acidifier, flavoring agent and spice. When making synthetic vinegar, dilute the acetic acid with water to 4-5% and add various flavoring agents. The flavor is similar to that of alcohol-made vinegar, and the production time is short and the price is low. Ódýrt. As a sour agent, it can be used in compound seasonings to prepare vinegar, canned food, jelly and cheese. It can be used in appropriate amounts according to production needs. It can also be used as a flavor enhancer for Quxiang wine, with a dosage of 0.1 to 0.3 g/kg.
Post Time: Nóv-27-2024